What is the 50 – 30 Challenge?
The 50 – 30 Challenge is a government initiative which aims to advance equity, diversity, inclusion and economic prosperity from coast to coast to coast by highlighting the benefits of giving everyone a seat at the table.
Making the pledge is easy. There is no paperwork or business plan to submit and no cost to participate. Discover your diversity advantage.
Read more about the Challenge
The What Works Toolkit
The What Works Toolkit is an online toolkit, full of resources designed specifically for Canadian companies and organizations who are looking to adopt equity and diversity initiatives.
The toolkit offers support in:
- policy development
- approaches for recruitment, mentorship and promotion
- employee and board member retention
- anti-racism
- anti-harassment
- inclusive workplace strategies
The Toolkit also features numerous success stories from real organizations who have seen first hand the benefits that diversity can offer.
If you’d like some help navigating the Toolkit and its many, many resources, please reach out to any of the Ecosystem Partners and they’d be glad to walk you through it.
Discover the Toolkit