Request one-on-one support

Thanks for starting the conversation!

Please let us know a little more about your organization and what you’d like help with. We’ll use this information to match you with the most appropriate member of our 50 – 30 Challenge Project team, supported by Colleges and Institutes Canada.

Please note that this personalized support is being offered to Canadian organizations free of charge as part of the Government of Canada’s 50 – 30 Challenge Initiative.

How would you prefer to be contacted?
What language would you prefer to be served in?
Has your organization signed up for the 50 – 30 Challenge?
By communicating their personal information to Colleges and Institutes Canada, the client consents to the use of their information in the opening of a file and to being contacted by a member of Colleges and Institutes Canada’s 50 – 30 Project team. Colleges and Institutes Canada takes appropriate measures to protect the confidentiality of the client’s personal information.(Required)