Events & Resources

Neurodiversity – Working Toward Neurodiversity Inclusion 2.0 with Wanda Deschamps

Presented by Wanda Deschamps (she/her) founder and principal of Liberty Co – a consultancy focused on increasing the participation level of the Neurodiverse population in the workforce with a special emphasis on autism due to Wanda’s own diagnosis at midlife. Her approach is centered on the IDEA (Inclusion-Diversity-Equity-Accessibility) framework and highlights inclusive leadership, entrepreneurial thinking, and employee retention. This webinar builds on the first neurodiversity session and there will be a chance to
review a case study to enhance your understanding of neurodivergence in the workplace. This is designed as an opportunity for knowledge sharing on strategies to recognize and support neurodivergent employees which enhance overall inclusion. Do not worry if you did not have a chance to attend the first session, there will be a review of key terms and concepts.


Learn more about upcoming events.

Communauté de pratique – Participants Francophones

30 July, 2024

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Participants’ Community of Practice (CoP)

30 July, 2024

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Workshop Series

11 June, 2024

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« L’approche Dimensions: équité, diversité et inclusion – guide à l’intention des établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire » avec Nathalie Podeszfinski, gestionnaire au CRSNG.

29 May, 2024

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Watch our webinars

NLC Testimonial from Jessie Drew


My Little Unicorn: The Magic of the Gender and Sexual Spectrum


Rising to the Challenge: Workplace Equity, Diveristy and Inclusion


Perspectives LIVE – Taking equity diversity and inclusion to the next level
