Events & Resources


Enhance your EDI knowledge with this collection of articles. Use the category tags to filter the results and find the subject matter most relevant to you .

Corporate Memphis style art depicting a group of individuals with differing accessibility needs

Participants’ Community of Practice (CoP)

Join us from 10:30 am to noon (in English) (The Register Now button is not to register, it is the Zoom link)

HR & Future of Work Showcase 2024 Forge a Future-Ready Public Sector In-Person: May 23rd & 28th, 2024 - Toronto | Ottawa. Complimentary for Public Sector. Logo of Public Sector Network.

HR & Future of Work Showcase

The Public Sector HR and Future of Work Showcase is an event dedicated to shaping the future of public service in an


17th Equality, Diversity, & Inclusion conference

The conference provides an international, interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of ideas, knowledge and research in the field of equality, diversity and


18th Organization Studies Summer Workshop

The Organization Studies Workshop is an annual event, originally launched in June 2005, to facilitate high-quality scholarship in organization studies. Its primary



Learn more about upcoming events.

Communauté de pratique – Participants Francophones

30 July, 2024

12:30 to 14h

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Participants’ Community of Practice (CoP)

30 July, 2024

Join us from 10:30 am to noon (in English) (The Register Now button is not to register, it is the Zoom link)

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Workshop Series

11 June, 2024

The 50 – 30 Challenge EDI Impact Program CICan’s KMDC at Sheridan College has designed a series of workshops to support your

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« L’approche Dimensions: équité, diversité et inclusion – guide à l’intention des établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire » avec Nathalie Podeszfinski, gestionnaire au CRSNG.

29 May, 2024

Rendez-vous le 11 juin 2024 de 11h à 12h30 Lien d’inscription: cliquez ici Les défis sociaux actuels nous invitent, en tant que

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Watch our webinars

NLC Testimonial from Jessie Drew


My Little Unicorn: The Magic of the Gender and Sexual Spectrum


Rising to the Challenge: Workplace Equity, Diveristy and Inclusion


Perspectives LIVE – Taking equity diversity and inclusion to the next level



Browse our resources

Interactive Capsules

12 July, 2024

The interactive modules on the IRIPI website cover topics related to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). They include: Introduction to EDI What

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Déboulonner les mythes sur l’EDI

21 March, 2024

Déboulonner les mythes sur l’EDI

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“Tu n’as pas l’air d’être autochtone” et autres préjugés

23 October, 2023

Feuillet déconstruisant plusieurs préjugés sur les personnes et communautés autochtones.

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Guide Mieux nommer et mieux comprendre : changer de regard sur les réalités

23 October, 2023

Ce guide offre des outils pratiques aux médias et aux services de soutien de première ligne qui interagissent, directement ou indirectement, avec

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