Events & Resources

Anti-Islamophobia 101

This is a comprehensive workshop series designed to empower communities across Canada and broaden their understanding of the interconnected issues surrounding Islamophobia, Cyberhate, and racial marginalization within Muslim communities. These workshops will not only delve into the critical issue of Islamophobia and its impact on Black and Indigenous Muslims, queer Muslims, and Muslims with disabilities but will also examine the troubling intersection of cyberhate and online extremism. Participants will gain valuable insights into strategies for effectively countering these online threats and promoting a safer digital space for all. Join us in taking a proactive stance against racism and discrimination.
Presented by Nuzhat Jafri, Nuzhat is Executive Director of the Canadian Council of Muslim Women (CCMW) and has been a long-time national board member and volunteer with the Council. She also serves on the board of directors of the pluralist foundation and has served as chair and member of several other non-profit boards, including the Architectural Conservancy of Ontario, ACCES Employment, and South Asian Family Support Services. She is multilingual and holds a BA in French language and literature from the University of Toronto and an MLS from the University of Western Ontario.


Learn more about upcoming events.

Communauté de pratique – Participants Francophones

30 July, 2024

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Participants’ Community of Practice (CoP)

30 July, 2024

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Workshop Series

11 June, 2024

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« L’approche Dimensions: équité, diversité et inclusion – guide à l’intention des établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire » avec Nathalie Podeszfinski, gestionnaire au CRSNG.

29 May, 2024

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Watch our webinars

NLC Testimonial from Jessie Drew


My Little Unicorn: The Magic of the Gender and Sexual Spectrum


Rising to the Challenge: Workplace Equity, Diveristy and Inclusion


Perspectives LIVE – Taking equity diversity and inclusion to the next level
