Events & Resources

Behind Microagressions

We are excited to announce a Cultural Competence training, in partnership with CultureAlly. CultureAlly is a diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) company specializing in impactful and engaging DEI trainings to build more inclusive environments.
This session starts off by diving into the science of why microaggressions happen and how they can show up in our workplace. We explore several mitigation tactics to prevent them from showing up in our decisions and judgements in the workplace and the impact they can have on marginalized folks. The session wraps up with the review of several scenarios and examples and challenges learners to critically think about how we can mitigate these in the workplace.
The session is facilitated by Hannah Stegen (she/her) the co-founder of CultureAlly who has over 7 years of experience in the DEI space. She previously led the diversity & inclusion strategy at Capital One. She transitioned to diversity & inclusion consulting and has several years of experience consulting with for-profit, nonprofit and government organizations like Condé Nast, Amazon and Indeed. Hannah is passionate about creating accessible workspaces and establishing practices and policies where employees can thrive in their work.


Learn more about upcoming events.

Communauté de pratique – Participants Francophones

30 July, 2024

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Participants’ Community of Practice (CoP)

30 July, 2024

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Workshop Series

11 June, 2024

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« L’approche Dimensions: équité, diversité et inclusion – guide à l’intention des établissements d’enseignement postsecondaire » avec Nathalie Podeszfinski, gestionnaire au CRSNG.

29 May, 2024

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Watch our webinars

NLC Testimonial from Jessie Drew


My Little Unicorn: The Magic of the Gender and Sexual Spectrum


Rising to the Challenge: Workplace Equity, Diveristy and Inclusion


Perspectives LIVE – Taking equity diversity and inclusion to the next level
